AvsTimer 0.5
An Avisynth 2.5x plugin for measuring speed and performance of
Avisynth plugins
By Rainer Wittmann gorw@gmx.de
The binary and the source code
are subject to the GNU
General Public License. Last change March 7, 2004.
Beginning with version 0.4.1 the binary package of AvsTimer contains two
versions of the plugin. AvsTimer.dll (dynamically linked, hence small) and
AvsTimerS.dll (staticly linked, hence big). Try first the small dll and
copy it to Avisynth's plugin directory. If it doesn't work, this is probably
due to missing msvcr70.dll library. Either you install this library in
C:\windows\system32 (but not in each application directory), or you delete
AvsTimer.dll and replace it by AvsTimerS.dll. Please do not put both dlls into
the plugin directory. If you fill the plugin directory with all kinds of
superfluous dlls, then you only slow down the start of any application which
uses Avisynth.
AvsTimer is an Avisynth filter (for Avisynth 2.5 or higher),
which actually doesn´t make any changes to a clip. In fact, it even doesn´t
make a simple bitblt operation. Thus its overhead is virtually
zero. Rather it is a utility to measure the performance of various
filters, decoders etc. and should be particular useful for filter writers who
want to tweak their filters for maximum speed. To use it one
needs the
debugview utility or any other program which can catch and display
debug messages. Debugview is also used by various other Avisynth filters. Thus
it is a utility which a serious Avisynth user should have anyway. Let´s begin
with a simple Avisynth script:
If we now insert the two lines,
load the script into VirtualDubMod and start preview,
debugview displays the following output:
[1748] AvsTimer 0.3
[1748] AvsTimer 0.3
[1748] AvsTimer 0.3
[1748] [1999] Timer1 = 69 fps
[1748] [3999] Timer1 = 67 fps
[1748] [5999] Timer1 = 66 fps
[1748] [7999] Timer1 = 65 fps
[1748] [9999] Timer1 = 69 fps
The first number in brackets is the process number of VirtualDubMod. This
number is useful, if more than one program is sending debug messages. The
second number in brackets is the frame number, at which AvsTimer displays the
information. In our example, AvsTimer displays the timer results every two
thousand frames. This is the default. We can change the default by using
AvsTimer with the option frames. If we insert AvsTimer(frames=
1000) into the script, then the results are displayed every thousand frames.
The larger the number of frames the more accurate are the results. Thus it
is not a good idea at all to use AvsTimer(frames=1). Perhaps one may then get
the error message "zero or negative ticks", because the time was too short
to be measurable. If a number <=0 is specified for the frames variable,
then frames is simply set to the number of frames of the entire clip.
Thus in this case the frame rate is only displayed once after the entire clip
has been processed. The first string "Timer1" is the name of the timer. If
AvsTimer is inserted three times into the script, then one gets also results
from "Timer2" and "Timer3". Instead of these default names, one my specify
arbitrary names as an option. If we replace AvsTimer() by
AvsTimer(frames=1000, name="mpeg2dec"), then we get the
following output from debugview:
[1864] AvsTimer 0.3
[1864] AvsTimer 0.3
[1864] AvsTimer 0.3
[1864] [999] mpeg2dec = 68 fps
[1864] [1999] mpeg2dec = 68 fps
[1864] [2999] mpeg2dec = 68 fps
[1864] [3999] mpeg2dec = 67 fps
[1864] [4999] mpeg2dec = 66 fps
[1864] [5999] mpeg2dec = 67 fps
The value after = is the number of frames per seconds which the filter
chain before "mpeg2dec" in the Avisynth script would have, if
it would run without the filter chain after "mpeg2dec" and
VirtualDubMod. All frame rates are averaged over the last 2000 frames
(or the the number specified with the option frames ) and are
always rounded up or downwards to the next integer. For instance, the
AvsTimer(frames=1000, name="mpeg2dec")
gives the following output:
[1908] AvsTimer 0.3
[1908] AvsTimer 0.3
[1908] AvsTimer 0.3
[1908] [999] mpeg2dec = 68 fps
[1908] [1499] Timer2 = 27 fps
[1908] [1999] mpeg2dec = 69 fps
[1908] [2999] mpeg2dec = 66 fps
[1908] [2999] Timer2 = 27 fps
[1908] [3999] mpeg2dec = 69 fps
[1908] [4499] Timer2 = 27 fps
[1908] [4999] mpeg2dec = 67 fps
[1908] [5999] mpeg2dec = 65 fps
[1908] [5999] Timer2 = 27 fps
Unlike "mpeg2dec" "Timer2" now includes the deinterlacer FieldDeinterlace.
That´s why the frame rate is now much smaller. One can also measure the frame
rate of the filter chain between two calls of AvsTimer. For
this purpose we have the "difference" and the "quiet" option. Changing the
script as follows:
AvsTimer(frames=1000, name="mpeg2dec", quiet=true)
AvsTimer(frames=1500, name="decomb", difference=1)
we get the following output
[1952] AvsTimer 0.3
[1952] AvsTimer 0.3
[1952] AvsTimer 0.3
[1952] [1499] decomb = 45 fps
[1952] [2999] decomb = 46 fps
[1952] [4499] decomb = 46 fps
[1952] [5999] decomb = 45 fps
[1952] [7499] decomb = 45 fps
[1952] [8999] decomb = 46 fps
The displayed frame rate is now just the frame rate of the filter chain
from crop(...) to FieldDeinterlace() (crop really doesn´t matter as it is
a "zero cost" filter). Replacing Decomb with TomsMoComp we get the following
[432] AvsTimer 0.3
[432] AvsTimer 0.3
[432] AvsTimer 0.3
[432] [1499] TomsMoComp = 97 fps
[432] [2999] TomsMoComp = 98 fps
[432] [4499] TomsMoComp = 98 fps
[432] [5999] TomsMoComp = 98 fps
[432] [7499] TomsMoComp = 98 fps
[432] [8999] TomsMoComp = 97 fps
If difference=k is specified for the m-th timer then the filter chain
between the m-th and the (m-k)-th timer is taken. If m-k<= 0
then Avisynth terminates with an error message. In the above example we
have suppressed the output of "mpeg2dec" with the option "quiet= true". Without
this option we would have gotten the same "mpeg2dec" output as
before. Instead of taking the average only over the last 2000 frames
or whatever has been specified with the frames option, one may average
over all frames, which have been processed so far, by setting the boolean
variable accumulate to true. Thus the script
AvsTimer(frames=1000, name="mpeg2dec", accumulate=true)
TomsMoComp(1, 5, 0)
AvsTimer(frames=1500, name="TomsMoComp" , difference=1)
gives the following results
[652] AvsTimer 0.3
[652] AvsTimer 0.3
[652] AvsTimer 0.3
[652] [999] mpeg2dec = 68 fps
[652] [1499] TomsMoComp = 96 fps
[652] [1999] mpeg2dec = 69 fps
[652] [2999] mpeg2dec = 68 fps
[652] [2999] TomsMoComp = 97 fps
[652] [3999] mpeg2dec = 68 fps
[652] [4499] TomsMoComp = 97 fps
[652] [4999] mpeg2dec = 68 fps
[652] [5999] mpeg2dec = 68 fps
[652] [5999] TomsMoComp = 98 fps
[652] [6999] mpeg2dec = 67 fps
[652] [7499] TomsMoComp = 98 fps
[652] [7999] mpeg2dec = 67 fps
[652] [8999] mpeg2dec = 68 fps
[652] [8999] TomsMoComp = 98 fps
[652] [9999] mpeg2dec = 68 fps
[652] [10499] TomsMoComp = 98 fps
[652] [10999] mpeg2dec = 68 fps
[652] [11999] mpeg2dec = 68 fps
[652] [11999] TomsMoComp = 98 fps
[652] [12999] mpeg2dec = 68 fps
[652] [13499] TomsMoComp = 97 fps
[652] [13999] mpeg2dec = 68 fps
[652] [14999] mpeg2dec = 68 fps
[652] [14999] TomsMoComp = 97 fps
In this example the "mpeg2dec" timer averages over all previous frames while
"TomsMoComp" timer averages only over the last 1500 frames. Consequently the
frame rates for "mpeg2dec" stabilise with more and more frames processed, while
the frame rates for "TomsMoComp" continue to fluctuate. AvsTimer comes with
four methods for measuring time. The default method type=2 is based on the
windows functions GetThreadTimes, which measures the time the filter chain
spends within the thread, by which is it is called. This is the most accurate
method as long as no other threads are used by the filter chain. Currently I
know of no example which violates this assumption. However, as hyperthreading
becomes more and more fashionable times may change. If one uses the option
type=1, then time is measured with GetProcessTimes. Then the time of the
process, which runs the Avisynth script, is measured, while the process is
executing the filter chain. However, some threads of this process, which have
nothing to do with the filters, but run parallel may artificially reduce the
frame rate. If type=0 or type=3 is used, then instead of process or thread time
the absolute time is taken. Then also other processes may influence the
frame rates to the downside. If type=0 then the function
QueryPerformaceCounter is used, if type=3 then the cpu instruction RDTSC is
used. type=3 has certainly the smallest overhead, but during initialisation 1
second is necessary to determine the cpu frequency and on some notebooks the
cpu frequency may change over time obliterating all the results. To avoid the
delay one may also specify the cpu frequency with the frequency option.
This must happen with the first type=3 timer or any other
timer befor the first type=3 timer otherwise the frequency option is ignored.
Thus AvsTimer(type=3, frequency= 1300) defines a type= 3 timer for a cpu with
1300 MHZ. One can get the exact cpu frequency by running a type= 3 timer
without the frequency option. Then the exact cpu frequency is displayed in the
debugview window. Timers, which are paired together by the difference option,
shouldbe of the same type, otherwise the results do not make
sense and may even yield negative frame rates. Timers of type!= 2 have an
additional advantage. With such timers the frame rate of the entire
process running the script - we call this the total frame rate - can be
measured and is displayed by default. Thus the script
AvsTimer(frames=1000, name="mpeg2dec", type=3)
AvsTimer(frames=1500, name="decomb", type=3, difference=1)
gives following output
[1252] AvsTimer 0.3
[1252] AvsTimer 0.3
[1252] AvsTimer 0.3
[1252] CPU frequency = 1312 MHZ
[1252] [999] mpeg2dec = 68 fps, total = 17 fps
[1252] [1499] decomb = 45 fps, total = 19 fps
[1252] [1999] mpeg2dec = 68 fps, total = 26 fps
[1252] [2999] mpeg2dec = 67 fps, total = 26 fps
[1252] [2999] decomb = 46 fps, total = 25 fps
[1252] [3999] mpeg2dec = 67 fps, total = 26 fps
[1252] [4499] decomb = 46 fps, total = 25 fps
[1252] [4999] mpeg2dec = 67 fps, total = 25 fps
[1252] [5999] mpeg2dec = 65 fps, total = 25 fps
[1252] [5999] decomb = 45 fps, total = 25 fps
[1252] [6999] mpeg2dec = 66 fps, total = 25 fps
[1252] [7499] decomb = 46 fps, total = 25 fps
The output of the total frame rate can be disabled by using the total=false
option. It is notable from the above output, that the first total frame
rate of each timer is substantially lower than the subsequent ones. This
is because the "total" clock of each timer is started, when the filter is
created by Avisynth. Because the timers are of type=3 even the time until
preview is started in VirtualDubMod is counted. Thus the first total frame
rates should be ignored if timers of type=0 or 3 are used or one should use
GetAll, which is described below. From the above tests we see that TomsMoComp
with 98 fps is much faster than FieldDeinterlace with 45 fps which
is even significantly slower than the hard working mpeg2dec3 with 66
fps. All test were run on a 1.3 GHZ Celeron (Tualatin P3 design) with AvsTimer
0.3 .
AvsTimer and the Avisynth Cache
In order to avoid reprocessing of frames, Avisynth has a cache for each instance
of a filter in a script. This cache clearly enhances performance, if time
consuming filters which operate on multiple frames are used. AvsTimer allows
you to monitor the efficiency of these caches. In fact, in most cases, is
able to replace the cache of the filter immediately before AvsTimer and
replaces it by its own cache without any measurable performance penalty. For
instance in the script
AvsTimer(frames=1000, name="mpeg2dec", type=3)
AvsTimer(frames=1500, name="decomb", type=3, difference=1)
the first AvsTimer instance overtakes the cache of MPEG2Source and the second
overtakes the cache of FieldDeinterlace. What is this overtaking good
for? If the frame difference between two output lines of an AvsTimer instance
is exactly the value of the frames variable, then there was no
cache miss for the filter taken over by this instance of AvsTimer. More
precisely we have the formula
number of cache misses = frames - (frame difference of two subsequent output
To be more concrete we look at the output of this script in
the previous section. The frame counts of the instant of AvsTimer with
name "mpeg2dec" are 999,1999,2999, 3999,4999,5999,6999. Thus the frame
difference is always 1000, which is exactly the value of the frames
variable. Thus there was no cache miss for the important clip generator
MPEG2Source. Similarily, The frame counts of the instant of AvsTimer with
name "decomb" are 1499,2999,4499,5999,7499. Thus the frame difference is always
1500, which is exactly the value of the frames variable of this
AvsTimer instance. Hence there was also no cache miss for the filter
FieldDeinterlace. Though the cache resources are quite limited (they depend on
the resolution and the color space of the frame) and the Avisynth is far from
optimal it works perfectly for small scripts like the above. However, in
scripts with many sophisticated filters substantial cache misses are inevitable
and AvsTimer should measure these accurately. To get optimal throughput of
scripts with many filter, each filter should have an option to disable its
cache. In this way caching could be restricted to the most important filters in
order to maximise performance, which can be monitored by AvsTimers.
Unfortunately the Avisynth filter API does not provide such a function. Instead
it provides function to mnaipulate the cache of the child filter (and all my
filters will now make ample use of it). This is ideal for configuring the
optimal interaction of the various filters, but somewhat bizarre from the point
of view of the script writer. Nevertheless, any filter should have the option cache
with values true and false (true is of course the default), to disable caching
of those filters which are used as input. If any filter would have this option,
then big scripts could be optimised. This is the reason, why from now on all my
filters will have this option. It is not mentioned in the documentation of
these filters, though, because it has always the same functionality. For
instance, RemoveDirt(cache= false) will disable input caching of this filter
(only available since version 0.6).
The GetAll Filter
As already mentioned in the preceding section other programs or threads
may influence the results if type!= 2. Thus for performance
tests a simple program, which would only request one frame after the other from
Avisynth and do nothing else, would be ideal. It would even be better as far as
accuracy is concerned to have a filter with such a property. That´s what GetAll
is all about. If VirtualDubMod or any other program running the Avisynth
script is requesting the trigger frame (by default this is the first
frame and has the frame number 0) from Avisynth and GetAll is in the filter
chain, then GetAll request all other frames before it returns the trigger frame
to the calling program which then has to wait for quite a while. All frames may
be a little to much. With GetAll(frames=10000) GetAll will only request the
first 10000 frames. Modifying our example script as follows
AvsTimer(frames=1000, name="mpeg2dec", type=0)
AvsTimer(frames=1500, name="decomb", difference=1, type=0)
we get the following output
[2000] AvsTimer 0.3
[2000] AvsTimer 0.3
[2000] AvsTimer 0.3
[2000] [999] mpeg2dec = 66 fps, total = 25 fps
[2000] [1499] decomb = 44 fps, total = 26 fps
[2000] [1999] mpeg2dec = 67 fps, total = 27 fps
[2000] [2999] mpeg2dec = 66 fps, total = 27 fps
[2000] [2999] decomb = 46 fps, total = 27 fps
[2000] [3999] mpeg2dec = 63 fps, total = 26 fps
[2000] [4499] decomb = 45 fps, total = 26 fps
[2000] [4999] mpeg2dec = 65 fps, total = 26 fps
[2000] [5999] mpeg2dec = 64 fps, total = 26 fps
[2000] [5999] decomb = 45 fps, total = 26 fps
[2000] [6999] mpeg2dec = 65 fps, total = 26 fps
[2000] [7499] decomb = 45 fps, total = 26 fps
[2000] [7999] mpeg2dec = 65 fps, total = 27 fps
[2000] [8999] mpeg2dec = 68 fps, total = 27 fps
[2000] [8999] decomb = 46 fps, total = 27 fps
[2000] [9999] mpeg2dec = 67 fps, total = 27 fps
Now it is no more necessary to start preview, because by requesting frame 0,
VirtualDubMod triggers GetAll to request the first 10000 frames. Only after it
has completed these 10000 frames the frame 0 is delivered to
VirtualDubMod. The disadvantage of GetAll, of course, is that it cannot be
used during a normal encoding process. To get trustworthy frame
rates with timers of type!=2 insert GetAll immediately after the
last AvsTimer call, shut down all cpu intensive processes and run the
script in VirtualDubMod to trigger GetAll.
The Shutdown Filter
As the name indicates, the sole purpose of the Shutdown filter is to shut
down the PC or to log off after the encoding process is finished. If the line
"Shutdown()" is placed in an Avisynth script (this can only be done once and
should be done on the last line of the script) and if the encoder requests the
last frame of the clip for the first time, then the Shutdown filter initiates a
shutdown of the PC. Usually the encoder needs some further time to finish the
encoding process, after it has requested the last frame. Hence the Shutdown
filter waits for a certain time (the default is 60 seconds) before starting
the shutdown. Using the wait option the waiting time can be changed. For
example if "Shutdown(wait=600)" is used, then it waits for 600 seconds = 10
minutes until shutdown. Instead of a shutdown one may simply log off by using
the method option. With "Shutdown(method=0) the user is simply logged off after
the encoding process is finished. method=1 is the default and results in a
shutdown, method=2 results in a poweroff, which is usually identical
to a shutdown, finally method= 3 reboots the PC after finishing theencoding
process. All othervalues for the methodoption are illegal. Oncethe shutdown or
the logoff is initiated it can no more be stopped. It can however be stopped
during thewaiting time bysimply shutting downthe encoder. For thispurpose
the Shutdown filter signals the start of thewaiting periodwith ashortbeep
tone.The default frequency of this beep toneis1000Hertz(it can be changed to,
say, 2000 Hertz with the option "frequency= 2000") and the default duration is
1000 ms= 1 second (it can bechanged to, say, 500 ms with the option "duration =
500"). Sometimes the user changes his opinion and doesn't want a shutdown
anymore though the encoder is processing an AVS script with the Shutdown
filter.For thispurpose there is the stamp option. Using the option "stamp=
myfile" the filter only initiates a shutdown if "myfile" exists and it checks
the existence exactly after the waiting period is over. Thus by erasing or
renaming the stamp file one can avoid a shutdown even if the Shutdown filter is
in the script. I always use the Shutdown filter with this option. There is one
problem with this stamp file method, though. The next day, after the shutdown,
the stamp file is still there. But I have only a very limited number of
scripts, which are adjusted to a specific encoding process. Now if Iload such
an "old" script, it is still triggered for a shutdown, if I accidentally touch
the last frame. To avoid such unpleasant shutdown surprises, I have added
the< EM> rename< /EM> variable, to rename the stamp file just
before the shutdown. The following command is at the end of all my
scripts: Shutdown(stamp = "c:\video\stamp", rename= "c:\video\stampn", wait =
300). If now the Shutdown filter triggers a shutdown, it renames the stamp
file, such that it can no more cause an accidential shutdown. Clearly the
Shutdown filter can only work properly if the encoder doesn't terminate after
finishing the encoding process. However, for such encoders the Shutdown filter
isn't needed, because in this case the shutdown can be achieved by a batch
file using one of the many freeware shutdown utilities. The Shutdown filter
tries to terminate all processes gracefully by sending them
appropriate messages. However, if a process does not respond properly
to theses messages, it is getting killed which may result in data
loss. Use this filter only at your own risk and don't blame me.
Known Problems
The "total =" results are a tiny little bit incorrect (tiny is depending how
large frames is), because the clock is stopped just
before the last frame is returned to subsequent filters or the program
running the script. The entire program may be even more than one
frame behind. However, if frames is large or accumulate=true then
this inaccuracy should not matter. Even if frames
is small it should matter only for the first "total=" result (yielding higher
frame rates). For the subsequent results, because the effect is negative at the
beginning and positive at the end, error cancellation should correct the
All bug reports, suggestions etc should be posted to the appropriate
thread in the Doom9 forum. Please do not send me email.
Kurosu has a similar program called
Kronos . In fact, Kronos was first.